ACUMEN consortium meeting in Naples 

On Thursday 27th and Friday 28th, the ACUMEN partners met in Naples at the invitation of the University of Naples Federico II.  The aim was to update the different working groups on the developments of the last month.  

The meeting began with a presentation by the host university, followed by updates on each work package. This session provided an overview of the current status of the project and the next steps. These updates fed into discussions on how best to integrate each of the modules into the Digital Twin developed by LIST. The day included a workshop on model conceptualisation and specification alignment, aimed at ensuring coherence and alignment between the different technical work packages.  

The second day started with a focus on dissemination, exploitation and impact assessment. POLIS and LuxMobility are developing a framework including policy recommendations for integrating AI into Traffic Management systems. This framework will be fed by the experimentations led in the different pilot sites.   

The session was followed by an intervention of the External Experts Advisory Board (EEAB), which attended an ACUMEN consortium meeting for the first time. This face-to-face interaction allowed the consortium to engage directly with the EEAB members. The EEAB attended the workshops and provided their expertise, feedback and recommendations based on their experience. 

The meeting concluded with a second workshop on the evaluation of management strategy specifications and requirements, further refining the project strategies and aligning the management approaches with the project objectives.