ACUMEN Reference Group

To make informed decisions, it is vital to have a full understanding of the issues and the different perspectives involved. This is where the ACUMEN Reference Group plays a key role.

We are seeking valuable input from different stakeholders on key issues such as business models and use cases for new mobility services related to traffic management at urban and regional levels. In addition, the ACUMEN Reference Group fosters the exchange of ideas and collaboration between cities, local authorities, mobility providers, and technology suppliers to drive innovation in traffic and transport management.

The ACUMEN Reference Group aims to achieve several key objectives, like

  • Promoting the adoption of innovative solutions.
  • Monitoring the progress and evolution of the project.
  • Gathering valuable end-user feedback on the ongoing work.
  • Exploring the feasibility of implementing ACUMEN tools in their daily operations.
  • Understanding stakeholders’ perspectives, challenges, constraints, expectations and ideas related to traffic and mobility management.
  • Learning about stakeholders’ plans and visions for the future.
  • Building stakeholder commitment to the success of the project.
  • Facilitating exchange and collaboration between stakeholders from different sectors to co-create solutions.
  • Obtaining stakeholder feedback to validate project outcomes.
  • Using stakeholder communication channels to disseminate full knowledge and understanding of the final project outcomes.

Who will be involved?

The ACUMEN Reference Group is open to the involvement of a range of stakeholders, including

  • Policymakers and regulators at local, regional, national or supranational levels who are responsible for taking decisions on the implementation of new mobility solutions.
  • Technology providers and operators involved in the planning or provision of new mobility services, with a focus on passenger transport and the possible inclusion of freight.
  • Mobility service providers actively developing new mobility services, especially those that integrate traditional public transport with innovative options such as first and last-mile services.
  • Transport managers, mobility service providers and infrastructure operators or managers that contribute to the mobility ecosystem.

By bringing together a wide range of stakeholders, the ACUMEN Reference Group enriches the project with invaluable insights, ensuring that ACUMEN’s developments meet real-world needs and aspirations. Together, we are paving the way for a seamless, sustainable and connected mobility future.